The Customer is No. 1 – Always!

Successful businesses start with the customer and work backwards. We must work to earn, maintain and grow customer trust and satisfaction. Although we must pay attention to our competitors, outstanding Service and Quality are the keys to business success. We must benchmark ourselves with the best in the world regardless of sector or discipline. “Right First Time & Every Time”, must be the philosophy that we follow at all times to achieve OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Sales, Sales, Sales!

Everyone is a salesman whether in the Finance Team, Administration or out in the field – every call, e-mail and conversation is an opportunity to sell the business and the service/value we can provide. Whether possible new clients or an opportunity with existing clients, we must maximise every opportunity to add value to both ours and our client’s businesses if we are to succeed and grow.

Sales, Sales, Sales!

Everyone is a salesman whether in the Finance Team, Administration or out in the field – every call, e-mail and conversation is an opportunity to sell the business and the service/value we can provide. Whether possible new clients or an opportunity with existing clients, we must maximise every opportunity to add value to both ours and our client’s businesses if we are to succeed and grow.

Ownership & Responsibility

Leaders are owners who take responsibility for problems. They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They always act on behalf of the entire company, and beyond just their own team. They never say “that’s not my job.” They do not pass problems up the line that they can deal with themselves.


Both senior managers in our business and within our client’s businesses have strong business judgment, good instincts and business experience. If you are given a direct instruction and the reasons why it is important then ensure to carry it out to your best without fail. Do not take it upon yourself to ignore a business instruction or process – if unsure as to why… then ask.


Both senior managers in our business and within our client’s businesses have strong business judgment, good instincts and business experience. If you are given a direct instruction and the reasons why it is important then ensure to carry it out to your best without fail. Do not take it upon yourself to ignore a business instruction or process – if unsure as to why… then ask.

No Sand

We do not expect any member of staff to “Stick their Heads in the Sand” regarding an issue in the ‘too difficult’ box. All issues and potential problems must be raised immediately – this ensures there is time to deal with the problem effectively without negatively affecting client service and making sure that all those who need to know, are aware should a client call come through. No-one will ever be sacked for being honest and raising a potential client or business critical issue quickly – However, ‘Sticking Your Head in the Sand’ and the complications and shambolic customer service this creates results in poor performance and the potential for lost business and lost jobs.


Think big, thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create and communicate a bold and ambitious direction that inspires results. They think differently and look around corners for ways to serve customers better and for any opportunities. Innovation and efficiency should never be far from your thoughts. Everything and anything is possible if you want it enough!


Think big, thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create and communicate a bold and ambitious direction that inspires results. They think differently and look around corners for ways to serve customers better and for any opportunities. Innovation and efficiency should never be far from your thoughts. Everything and anything is possible if you want it enough!


Speed matters in our business. Most decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study.  If there is an issue, it needs to be resolved – Immediately. We value urgency, calculated risk taking and entrepreneurial flair. You are empowered to act, take the initiative and responsibility for the issues you find.


We DO NOT spend money on things that don’t matter to customers. Being frugal in areas that do not determine customer service or quality creates innovation and creativity. There are no extra points for headcount, budget size, fixed expense or levels of stationery – there are extra points for cost efficiency. Money doesn’t not grow on trees! Profit creates opportunity and investment.


We DO NOT spend money on things that don’t matter to customers. Being frugal in areas that do not determine customer service or quality creates innovation and creativity. There are no extra points for headcount, budget size, fixed expense or levels of stationery – there are extra points for cost efficiency. Money doesn’t not grow on trees! Profit creates opportunity and investment.

Consider the environment at all times

The environment that we live and work within is crucial now and for the generations of people to come long after we are gone. It is imperative that we consider how as a business and as individuals we can have a positive impact on our environment. Whether through batching works, using the latest technologies to create efficiencies, researching sustainable materials, prevent pollution or recycling there are many ways in which we can have a positive effect – lets make sure the environment is always part of our thought process.

Always look to support local communities

As a business we have an obligation to put back in to society and help to support the local communities in which we operate and from which we secure the next generation of business leaders and business supporters. We must work hard to support apprenticeship schemes, sponsor local good causes and get involved in the community. Let’s be proud of the difference we can make and work hard to find the opportunities in which to do that.

Always look to support local communities

As a business we have an obligation to put back in to society and help to support the local communities in which we operate and from which we secure the next generation of business leaders and business supporters. We must work hard to support apprenticeship schemes, sponsor local good causes and get involved in the community. Let’s be proud of the difference we can make and work hard to find the opportunities in which to do that.

Raise the Bar

The greatest leaders do not believe their or their team’s performance is ever good enough, they believe that things can always be better, quicker and more efficient. Leaders challenge mediocrity, even when doing so is awkward, embarrassing or difficult. Leaders benchmark themselves and their teams against the best and aim to beat them. Be brave, challenge and continually raise the bar and push the boundaries.

Deliver Results

Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle for average.

Deliver Results

Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle for average.